- mrp of huawei Y3II is tk 6,190 and huawei Y5II is tk 8,990.
- bonus offers are applicable for bl new/existing prepaid/call & control customers
- total 18 GB data, 750 min on net, 750 min off net talk time bonus will be given for huawei Y3II and 24 GB data, 1500 min on net, 1500 min off net talk time will be given for huawei y5 ii to the eligible customers. all bonus with 30 days validity for 3 months will be given as extra for the customers who will be purchasing huawei Y3II or Y5II.
- subscribers will have to write “32” and send to “4321” to get 1st bundle bonus for Y3II or write “52” and send to “4321” to get 1st bundle bonus for Y5II.
- in addition to this, customers will be able to download free contents from “freezone” in http://m.banglalink.com.bd/free-zone/
- based on eligibility, bonus will be disbursed within maximum of 96 hours.
- these handsets will be available in all bl points and banglalink customer care centers and banglalink device retail outlets and huawei outlets all over bangladesh
- to check data bonus, dial *124*5#; to check on net minute bonus dial *124*13# and to check off net bonus dial *124*15#
- to enjoy 3G speed, subscribers need to dial *5000*545#
- subscribers need to be within 3G coverage areas to enjoy the 3G speed. if a customer is out of 3G coverage, he/she will be able to enjoy 2G speed.
- additional data usage after bonus amount will be charged as pay-as-you-go (tk. 0.015/KB) until the subscriber purchases a data pack. (sd + vat + sc will be applicable)
- huawei will be solely responsible for after sales service, warranty of their own handsets.
- This is a limited time offer.
শুক্রবার, ৫ আগস্ট, ২০১৬
এতে সদস্যতা:
মন্তব্যগুলি পোস্ট করুন (Atom)
10GB (7GB+3GB ফেসবুক)/৭ দিন @ ১৯৯ টাকা (সকল ধরণের ট্যাক্সসহ)
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কোন মন্তব্য নেই:
একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন