শুক্রবার, ৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Reactivation offer December’16

Reactivation offer December’16

  • All prepaid & C&C subscribers will be eligible for this offer who haven’t used their connection since 28th October and earlier
  • Customer needs to type his number and send it to 4343 (free) to check his eligibility
  • After reactivation, customer needs to dial *124*34#  and will get 1GB data bonus (7 days validity) and 0.5p/sec (on-net) and 1p/sec (off-net), 24 hours for 30 days validity (1 sec pulse).
  • Also, customers can get 1GB internet for recharging Tk. 9 (including VAT, SD & SC). This offer will be open for next 4 consecutive months. Each month, customers can avail the offer once. This includes the initial month as well. The internet validity will be 7 days.
  • If a customer recharges tk. 9 within the initial 1GB data bonus, then longer validity will be counted and data will be added.
  • For tariff, after 30 days, validity will be extended for 7 days on every 35 tk. recharge. If any customer recharges tk. 35 within the initial tariff validity, then the longer validity will be counted.
  • Internet can be used 24 hours.
  • Internet can be checked by dialing *124*5#
  • Customer can unsubscribe the offer by dialing *166*245#
  • VAT SD and SC is applicable on call rate
  • The offer will be valid till further notice

10GB (7GB+3GB ফেসবুক)/৭ দিন @ ১৯৯ টাকা (সকল ধরণের ট্যাক্সসহ)

আপনি যদি কম খরচে বেশি ইন্টারনেট ব্যবহারের প্যাক চান তাহলে ১৯৯ টাকার 10GB (7GB+3GB ফেসবুক)/৭ দিন মেয়াদের এই প্যাকটি কিনুন "Buy Now...