শনিবার, ১৪ মে, ২০১৬

Re-registration Offer

Airtel brings special data bonus offer on recharge.


  1. Prepaid customers of Airtel Bangladesh will be eligible for this offer, according to the following modality:
    • Customers will re-register through biometric process
    • Customers will get an acknowledgment SMS upon successful biometric registration
    • After successful re-registration customers will recharge tk.19 within 7 (recharge+6)days
    • Up to 3GB bonus will be posted on a random basis


  1. Recharge amount will go to customer's Main Account
  2. The random data bonus will be rewarded only once to a customer during the campaign period.
  3. Bonus will be posted within 48 hours, and can be used 24 hours. Validity will be 3 (posting +2) days
  4. Customers will get an acknowledgement SMS upon successful bonus posting, checking code for bonus will be *778*33#
  5. For 3GB, posting will occur in 3 monthly installments of 1GB.
    • Each 1GB will be have a validity of 3 (posting +2) days.
    • Customers will have to use tk. 30 in 1st and 2nd month since the first 1GB posting to get the 2nd and 3rd installment of 1GB data bonus.
    • If a customer does not use tk.30 in 1st month, but uses the amount in 2nd month, they will be eligible for the 2nd 1GB installment.
  6. Customers who have re-registered before 21st March 2016, or new acquisition customers are excluded from the offer

কোন মন্তব্য নেই:

10GB (7GB+3GB ফেসবুক)/৭ দিন @ ১৯৯ টাকা (সকল ধরণের ট্যাক্সসহ)

আপনি যদি কম খরচে বেশি ইন্টারনেট ব্যবহারের প্যাক চান তাহলে ১৯৯ টাকার 10GB (7GB+3GB ফেসবুক)/৭ দিন মেয়াদের এই প্যাকটি কিনুন "Buy Now...